Prof. Dr. Bojan Shimbov

University Jaume I Castellon
Work Packages



Prof. Dr. Bojan Shimbov is a Professor at the University of Jaume I in Castellon, Spain. He has been teaching macroeconomics and quantitative methods at the Department of Economics for two years. He is also a member of the Instituto of International Economics, formed by the University of Valencia, University Jaume I, and University of Alicante. Prior to joining the Jaume I, he worked as an economist atthe World Bank for over 10 years, in the region of the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. His area of expertise covers macroeconomic analysis, with a particular focus on public finances. More specifically, his work focuses on the analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending, debt sustainability analysis, and benchmarking analysis of public finances. He has co-authored over fifteen chapters in eight books published by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, including reviews of public finances, strategies for development and growth, and regional and local systematic diagnostics. His work covers a wide variety of topics in macroeconomic, fiscal and governance issues, labor market and competitiveness. Finally, he has publications related to applied economics, including on product sophistication and global value chains. This work has been published in high impact factor scientific journals.